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Where did you hear about our Summer Programme? Social MediaWord of MouthPostersOther If other, where did you hear about it? Which provision did your child/children attend?: Play DaysScience WeekCanoeingMindfulness Day(s) Please tell us your child’s age: 5678910111213141516 Other (please specify): What gender is your child?: MaleFemale How did you find our booking system?: Very easyEasyNeither easy nor difficultDifficultVery difficult Did you child share a positive experience or outcome from attending one of our provisions or have you seen a positive change in your child's wellbeing/mental health?: YesNo If yes what difference has it made to their well being/mental health, please provide an example: Would you like to see any of the following on offer in the school holidays?: Day TripsOutdoor Pursuits/ Survival SkillsDen BuildingPet PettingCircus SkillsGamingCooking Skills/ClubPamper DaysLego ClubBeans and BooksCinema ClubBaking ClubMulti Sports DaysDrama/TheatreDanceYogaMindfulness Other (please specify): Did your child feel safe and supported by our summer staff?: YesNo What impact does this service have on you as a family?: Childcare whilst workingAllows time with younger childrenLow income family and can't afford paid activities Other (please specify): As part of our summer provision (not all activities) we provided a healthy lunch did your child enjoy the food?: YesNo To Help us plan for future schemes and give feedback to our funders we would really appreciate some feedback from yourselves on how your child enjoyed the provision and what additional activities if any you would like to see in the future. Please enter any suggestions or feedback below. Here at New Images Youth & Community Centre we offer a range of activities from babies to our senior citizens. For further information please check out our website ( and follow us on Facebook @Newimagesyouthandcommcentre.